Tom got the pictures developed that we took last Wednesday. For a first attempt with a camera that neither of us know anything about, I think they turned out okay! I look quite squinty in most of them but I'll put that down to it being rather sunny!
In other news, today has been a nice day. I slept for ten hours last night, but when I woke up I think I could have stayed in a bed a bit longer! I only had one lecture today and it was about the modules that I can choose for my second year. So far I'm thinking of studying Media and Gender in the first semester and then either Hollywood Cinema or Documentary in the second one. Exciting stuff! I've not done much today apart from attend that lecture. Tom and I did get a Domino's pizza each for only £1 with the help of a student voucher, so that was pretty good. The rest of my evening will consist of washing my hair and maybe reverting back to my old side parting, drinking my last vanilla FRijj milkshake, and watching HIMYM.
I just discovered your blog and I think I'm in love! It's the epitome of perfection and your style is impeccable! xxx
ReplyDeleteI recently stumbled across your blog and I LOVE it! I love the layout to the content and everything in between! Your style is just impeccable and your blog is simply the epitome of perfection! I love your nose piercing, I really want one; I feel as if it holds a lot of cultural heritage for me. But I don't think I would suit it at all!
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