Monday, 3 October 2011


I've recently moved to Liverpool to study Communications, Media, and Popular Music at The University of Liverpool and I absolutely love it here. All my flatmates are very nice and all have very good taste in films! We watched Fight Club the other night and after studying it for my A Level Film Studies exam it was fun to watch it without having to constantly analyse it.
With my boyfriend only living a 40 minute walk away, I haven't felt too homesick. We've cooked some really good meals together over the past week (spaghetti bolognese, shepherds pie, steak, bangers and stilton mash, and a curry) so I feel like I've been eating quite well here. I enjoy cooking and tonight I'm going to attempt a spicy vegetable pasta bake!
The weather has been bizarrely boiling over the past few days so I have spent as much time as I can down at the docks with my boyfriend, it's so lovely there. I don't have any lectures or seminars on a Monday so I've had a nice relaxing day and caught up on all my homework!


  1. Your pictures are lovely. Sounds like you're settling in well and having a really good time!xxx

  2. Thank you! I really do love it here even though it has been raining all day, the weather has definitely taken a turn for the worse! However I am still very glad I get to spend three years here! xx

  3. Sounds exciting. Liverpool is a great city for students!

    Helen, x
